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Category: Paintings

  • Capital, Sapiens And Debt

    I read three books during 2015 that really made a difference in my inner world. I had never had any interest in the subject of economics before but Piketty’s Capital changed that. The book made the subject relevant and accessable to me. The realization that the prosperous years after the war was an anomaly historically…

  • Alla Prima Portrait On Paper

    Alla Prima Portrait On Paper

    I had some left over paint on the palette and did a quick alla prima portrait on gessoed watercolour paper.  

  • Work In Progress – Getting Inspiration From Bad Photos

    Work In Progress – Getting Inspiration From Bad Photos

    Since my kids rarely agree to model for me I often have to resort to photos. (I don’t use bribes. That wouldn’t feel like good parenting). I think a bad photo can be an excellent trigger for an interesting painting. The subject in a perfect photo is probably better left as a photo and using something…

  • Selfportrait


    I haven’t done a selfportrait in oil for years but I got tired of painting from photos ( my kids won’t sit still for very long).  With a mirror it’s easier to leave out the worst wrinkles and sharp shadows. When I paint from photos I focus to much on details.   I’m not a redhead.…

  • My Two Peppers Painting

    My Two Peppers Painting

    Finally finished a small oil of my daughters where I tried very different colours than my usual ones. The first base sketch was made with acrylics and I haven’t completely covered it with oils. I wasn’t pleased with the face of my youngest to the right so I repainted it to make it look like…

  • Painting Over An Abandoned Portrait

    Last year I started a portrait on a larger than my usual size canvas. I left it for several reasons. Colours, Bad likeness, bad composition and bad painting. I had not used the whole surface of the canvas so there was large boring areas. I find that the easiest way to make an image more…