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About painting, drawing and sketching…

  • Digital Sketches Using Sketchbook Pro

    Digital Sketches Using Sketchbook Pro

    Remembered these “old” digital sketches that I really like. I would like to paint them but can’t decide if oil or watercolour would be best.  Iwould also like to have proper photo references for the poses but children’s patience has limits. I use Sketchbook Pro on a Galaxy Note. The pen is fine but the…

  • My Best Watercolour This Year Or Even Ever

    One way to get my daughter to pose is just sitting accidentally opposite her when she is drawing or painting. I wanted to paint a watercolour focusing in improving my use of contrast and reds for flesh tones. First I sketched in cadmium yellow to get the proportions. A flat brush is used for background…

  • Orange Is Always Right

    I was not happy with my latest finished oil portrait except for the elbow. The face just didn’t have the same light and as a portrait it was bad, bad ,bad. I sometimes part the painting in four parts and check if there is something interesting for the eye in each part. It failed that…

  • Capital, Sapiens And Debt

    I read three books during 2015 that really made a difference in my inner world. I had never had any interest in the subject of economics before but Piketty’s Capital changed that. The book made the subject relevant and accessable to me. The realization that the prosperous years after the war was an anomaly historically…

  • Inktober 2015

    Inktober 2015

    This year’s Inktober I aimed for strictly black and white without pencils. I kept away from pencils but could not help but add some colour on the last ones. The nicest thing about Inktober is that I can compare to previous year and see some development. Click on the images to see a larger file.

  • Brush And Pen Making

    Brush And Pen Making

    It is in the middle of inktober and  should be inking away. Most days I’m too tired to focus so a couple of days ago I fooled around with pieces of bamboo from my garden. I cut one as a pen  and took some of my hair to make a brush with another piece. I…