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Category: Sketches & Drawings

  • Time to sum up the Apocalypse theme

    Time to sum up the Apocalypse theme

    I started playing with unnatural colours schemes in 2018 when I stopped aiming for traditional realism. It has since then developed into a theme symbolizing a feeling of existence being out of order waiting for the apocalypse. The motives often show my daughters in settings where the human behavior is modified by our culture of…

  • Art during social distancing

    Art during social distancing

    I have felt a greater urge for art during this period. The news are all filled with Corona updates and eventually it all gets to much. Living this quiet life, working from home, I am fed up with the political squabbles online. Suddenly creating art seems important and vital for our sanity and ability to…

  • inktober 2017


  • Not yet

    Not yet

    Not yet an adult. Nice to colour with pencils freely.

  • Drömhem (dream home)

    Leker med tuschskisserna och en gammal tidning.

  • Two pages…

    Two pages…

    Two pages in my sketchbook. Pencil, ink and watercolour.